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Becoming a Learner

Student Comments about Becoming a Learner

(passed on by their teachers to the author)

"In high school I was one who was always really focused on grades so that I could get scholarships.  Reading Becoming a Learner really helped me start my
college career off right as I was able to focus less on grades and memorization and more on actually learning.  The crazy thing is that the grades still come!
The difference is that you get a lot more out of the classes. That short little book really made a big difference in my life."

"Just today I tried my best to be a learner instead of a student. We have a presentation coming up in one of my classes and I noticed how much more fun it
is to do a presentation that you are actually applying yourself to. Not to mention the end product turns out to be a better project! This concept of being a
learner instead of a student will stick with me throughout my college career."

"My favorite lesson and the lesson that I found most effective in the course was the couple of weeks we spent reading and analyzing Matthew Sanders' book
Becoming a Learner. Sanders' book really got me thinking on an intellectual level by raising key questions and giving me different perspectives on a college
education. The book taught me that a student and a learner are two completely different things. I now have an understanding of what it requires to actually
gain something from your college experiences besides a degree and have learned that in college you start to form habits and the characteristics that will define
you for the rest of your life."

"Although I myself wish I would have read it at a much younger age, it is applicable to all ages, for the simple reason that it's a book about making the journey
through life–and it meets you wherever you are in your journey. What makes Becoming a Learner such a profound book is its ability to take everything one
knows about college (or think they know) and flip its head: it challenges preconceived notions and invites readers to reevaluate their motives–not just with
regard to higher education, but important decisions pertaining to other spheres of life as well."

"I read Becoming a Learner 4 years too late. As cliché and cheesy as this is, that booked CHANGED me. It made me realize the importance of my college
education and crushed my reality that going to college guarantees a good job. It does not. It simply makes you a candidate for a job with credentials that you
have met and learned. Reading that book has made me really change how I have spent my last few weeks of college. I tried purposefully to become a better
learner and not just another pupil getting lost in the crowd and fulfilling syllabus requirements to receive a letter grade."